Jessica Killebrew, Psy.D.

Psychotherapist | Mindfulness Pracitioner | Wellness Coach


Sometimes it feels like we are just surviving. We run from thing-to-thing skimming the surface, missing the nectar of life. This can lead us down a path where we feel lost, unsatisfied, or completely out of balance. When we make decisions from this place and habitually live this way, we can become depressed and anxious.

We don't always realize there is a different way to experience life. We forget what it's like to drop in and be fully present. We often work, love, parent and engage in relationships from this hurried, unconscious place. We fall into negative coping, family patterns and automatic thinking that is less-than helpful. 

The average person invests very little thought into their life journey outside reading a few self-help books or advice over coffee with friends. Most people invest more time and money on a car than on their mental health.

It is my belief that we already have exactly what we need to be fulfilled. We all possess the capability to slow down, drop in and show up for life. This is a place to get intentional about the life you want to live. Whether you are looking for life balance, coping skills, wanting to improve relationships, enjoy life, or just want to do things differently - you have arrived.

inspirING you wake up, breathe deeper, live fuller, and get grounded in your own wisdom.

begins with...

Being present. 

There is nothing more important than right now (yes, right now).

The way you choose to be in this moment becomes your reality, your life.

When you become mindful you can FREE yourself.

You have access to choice, compassion, rejuvenation, empowerment.

In this moment anything is possible.


Mindful Living is a choice.





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